DDSTHA Mechanicals
  • DDSTHA Mechanicals

  • Achieve Customized

  • Room Sound Proofing

  • Achieve Customized equirements Supply Professional Gensets

  • Acoustic Barrier Wall Proofing

Acoustic Wall System (Applied to existing room structure)

Used when there is an existing party wall where the sound insulation is not adequate. By creating a new cavity this system will reduce transmitted impact & airborne noise, thus significantly improving the overall acoustic performance. Can be added to virtually any type of wall, including brick, block, stud and plasterboard. Whilst a popular choice for home studio construction, the wall system can also be used in offices, hotels, classrooms, sports halls, cinemas & theatres
DDSTHA Mechanicals
  • Benefits include:
  • Good noise reduction properties.
  • Simple to install .
  • Economical.
  • Minimal loss to overall room size.